ANOTHER EMBARRASSING EDITORIAL: Doesn't the Murdoch camp find this sort of thing embarrassing? To me, it seems akin to a mother or an older sibling turning up at school to confront the bullies; it doesn't really stop the bullying (or reporting, in this case), and instead just makes things look worse.
Of course, you've probably already seen the glowing editorial published in the Journal. Nauseating as it is to see the press pander so indulgently to what must appear some strange media deity, it's not absurd to suppose that News Corporation executives would feel that it's a good look for some of the tabloids' more refined cousins to speak out in defence; to make Murdoch and his interests appear the victim of some sinister smear campaign. I, though — and probably everyone else in the world who has read these god-awful pieces — would beg to differ.
PIERS MORGAN ON SCANDAL: The former News of the World editor-turned-CNN-talking-head has finally, albeit briefly, provided some insight into his role in the story. He has supposedly come under fire for not providing coverage on his own show, whereas CNN as a network has been all over it. "For the record, I do not believe any story we published in either title
was ever gained in an unlawful manner. Nor have I ever seen anything to
suggest that." Nice to hear something from him.