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Could Murdoch lose his empire?

COULD MURDOCH LOSE HIS EMPIRE? Personally, I find the idea that Rupert Murdoch (Rupert Murdoch) could actually lose control of News Corporation as a result of this ordeal — or any, for that matter — almost beyond seriousness. This man. So powerful, so influential, so indelibly engrained into the media landscape; it seems almost incomprehensible that he should ever lose his until-recently tight grip on power. And yet, that seems to be what they're saying. The Daily Beast covers the story: "Bloomberg News reports that the company’s independent directors have begun to consider a leadership change due to Murdoch’s poor handling of the crisis. Independent directors hold nine of News Corp.’s 16 board seats, and two in particular—venture capitalist Tom Perkins and Georgetown law professor Viet Dinh—are leading the pack."

Well, let's be frank: Tom Perkins has always been something of a shit stirrer. Anyone else remember the HP fiasco, where his actions lead to the ouster of Carly Fiorina? It seems he has a penchant for this sort of thing. As for the professor, I haven't a clue what might be on his mind, but I doubt it's favourable in Murdoch's eyes. Something tells me the storm's coming, if I am to be so dramatic.

WSJ FIRES BACK: With regard to criticism over their coverage of the scandal.