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Harvard and class, continued

HARVARD AND CLASS, CTD: S.J. Culver and Kaya Williams hold a discussion, in response to Misha Glouberman's Paris Review piece on 'the challenges of dealing with class' at Harvard. Money quote: "There’s this myth of self-sufficiency and pulling oneself up by the bootstraps that is cultivated obviously not only at Harvard, but Harvard is such a great way to hyperbolize it: You, Harvard Student, are no different from anyone else in this country. You could start with $0 in your pocket and through hard work and ability become the president one day. All you have to do is avoid the temptation of spending all your money on take-out. Feel great about the fact that you’re here, because it means you’re smart and not lazy like all those poor people out there who didn’t make it to Harvard. It definitely has nothing to do with privilege or social capital."