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Increasing vaccination rates, continued

INCREASING VACCINATION RATES, CTD: In responding to David Ropeik's article on vaccination rates, Quinn O'Neill writes that he supports vaccination, but isn't prepared to sacrifice others' autonomy to achieve higher rates. "I wholeheartedly endorse vaccination, at least where dangerous diseases are concerned and the vaccines have a long track record of being relatively safe and effective. For polio, measles, and pertussis, I think everyone who can be vaccinated should be. What I oppose is the unjustified denial of people’s right to make their own informed decisions. I’d like to live in a society with 99% immunization coverage, but an 8 or 9% increase with a slight reduction in an already-low risk isn’t worth a sacrifice of others' autonomy." His view isn't dissimilar to the one I expressed recently in response to the same article. "Although I think that vaccinations are vitally important, and that people who choose not to participate do so at the detriment of others, I see no reasonable objection to opting out, as this is based upon the fundamental principles in which I believe; that people have the right to make a decision about whether or not they wish to proceed with such things."