QUITE AN ASSUMPTION: I'm not entirely sure how one actually comes to a level of such certainty over something so abstract or remote, like believing that Obama fears losing reelection more than he does default. But RedState
seems to have done just that. "So a stubborn president Obama is willing to veto what by all accounts is the going to be the only viable option to meet his administration’s August 2 deadline for avoiding default so he doesn’t have to debate the issue during his reelection campaign." Says who? It's most annoying when you see something which is obviously speculative reported as fact, perhaps even considered fact by the writers (albeit bad ones, pumping out inane, propagandistic prose) of the article. Even though I assume (there we go again) that this particular site does not consider itself to be an unbiased and impartial source of news, I take objection to sites which spin speculation as fact, even unconvincingly, in this case.