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Blackberry hacked over riot dispute

BLACKBERRY HACKED OVER RIOT DISPUTE: A hacker group calling themselves "Team Poison" have hacked Blackberry's website after the company offered to assist police in investigating the recent London riots. The hacker group defaced the site and threatened that action would be taken if Blackberry handed over user details. Blackberry believes that riot plans may have been passed through the instant messaging service and had promised to co-operate with the proper authorities. "Team Poison" argue that in doing so that it could lead to people being falsely accused. I really don't know what to say; it is really a situation of "damned if you do, damned if you don't." - posted by Ciaran

BANNING THE RIOTERS: From social media sites. David Cameron's considering it. "The prime minister said the government will review whether it is possible to stop suspected rioters spreading online messages, in his opening statement during a Commons debate on Thursday on the widespread civil disorder for which MPs were recalled from their summer recess." Sounds like a fairly good idea.