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Can you love a child of rape?

CAN YOU LOVE A CHILD OF RAPE? In a unsettling photoessay for Mother Jones, Jonathan Torgovnik photographs and interviews Rwandan women placed in the situation of raising the child of their attacker. Torgovnik won the 2007 National Portrait Gallery’s Photographic Portrait Prize for one of the photographs.

THE WEINER LINE: Another politician resigns because of naked photos found on the internet. Althouse opines: "Seriously, who cares? Oh, but this is what we're doing now, expecting an elected official to step down because he crossed the Weiner line."..."We're in this halfway position, where millions of Americans are doing something, but America as a culture maintains the staunch opinion that it's completely disgusting and anyone who does it should driven from his job and ostracized unless he goes through a public abasement ritual." She makes a good point; I'm inclined to agree.