remembers an inspiring teacher.
I don't remember Mr. Criche teaching us how to take standardized
tests, but when we took them, we did well. I don't remember Mr. Criche
gearing his lesson plans toward any state-regulated curricula, but we
did pretty well on any and every scale. Why? Because he made us curious.
He was curious, so we were curious. He was hungry for learning, so we
were hungry, too. He made us want to impress him with the contents of
our brains. He taught us how to think and why. I miss him, but he won't be forgotten, not by me or the scores of
students who sat before him. Teachers live on in a thousand hearts and
minds, right? They're stuck with us. We follow them everywhere and
I'm sure most of us, even those still within an educational system of some kind, can remember a teacher whom they admired greatly. Take a look at the rest of
his piece. It's a nice tribute to valuable educators in an age when such people are considerably hard to come by.