A compendium of perspicacious reportage and a weblog about all things pertaining to politics, news and intergalactic agriculture; weblog of Alistair Murray.
Is capital punishment effective?
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: Does it actually work? Alex Massie finds little reason to suggest it does. "There does not seem to be much evidence showing that states that use
capital punishment have lower murder rates than those that don't. On the
contrary, in America states that still execute prisoners tend to have higher murder rates
than those that do not. (Evidently this does not suggest that
abolishing capital punishment lowers murder either. There seems little
causation at play here.) Texas has executed nearly five hundred people
since 1976 but its murder rate remains much the same as California's
where, despite a large population on death row, few executions have
actually been carried out in recent years.)"..."I am extremely reluctant to grant the state the power to
execute citizens it holds in custody but suspect that while this is
certainly a matter of ethics it's also, in part, a question of
aesthetics. That is, I cannot pretend to be too upset by the verdicts
handed down at Nuremberg even if these too were the product of an
unavoidably flawed, though well-intentioned, process. Similarly, had
Osama bin Laden been apprehended and put on trial in the United States I
doubt I'd have mustered much outrage had he been sentenced to death."