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Krugman on Pawlenty

KRUGMAN ON PAWLENTY: In the unlikely event that you haven't heard yet, Tim Pawlenty has dropped out of the presidential race. Paul Krugman writes that he's going to miss him, calling him an 'econopundit's dream'. "I mean, there’s a constant torrent of nonsense flowing from the likes of Michelle Bachmann — but it’s so unvarying that there’s not much to say. What made Pawlenty fun was that he was supposed to be the smart, capable candidate, someone who actually knew stuff; and yet every time he opened his mouth on policy issues, he revealed that he didn’t know a blessed thing, that he just read supposed fact sheets from right-wing hacks with no notion that, say, claims about a vast expansion of government employment based on temporary Census hiring were something to discount." Suffice it to say that most of us could see this coming; in all honesty, the Pawlenty campaign never really took off.