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The paradox of the divided stick, according to Futility Closet

THE PARADOX OF THE DIVIDED STICK: Futility Closet has this little tidbit. "Take a whole stick and cut it in half. Half a minute later, cut each half in half. A quarter of a minute after that, cut each quarter in half, and so on ad infinitum. What will remain at the end of a minute? An infinite number of infinitely thin pieces?"..."Does each piece have any width? If so, couldn’t we reassemble them to form an infinitely long stick? If not, how can we assemble them to form anything at all?" If you haven't come across this site before, it's certainly worth a read. My math teacher, by all accounts, now has a certain penchant for its stream of intellectual amusement; he enjoys it for its math content, of course. I've never enjoyed math much myself. It strikes me as little more than esoteric drivel, although I harbour no doubt as to its undoubtedly boundless value to society.