WITH THE DEBT DISTRACTION OVER... President Obama turns attention to jobs.
PIN THE TAIL ON THE ECONOMY: The Weekly Standard's Mark Hemingway writes: "It's increasingly clear that the Obama administration devoted all of
its energy upfront to passing the stimulus package and Obamacare and
then expected the economy and entitlements to sort themselves out while
they coasted until the next camapign. At a certain point, you pivot so
many times you're just going in circles, like someone put a blindfold
on Obama and told him we're playing Pin the Tail on the Economy."..."Funnily enough, unemployment is still ridiculously high and GDP
growth is grinding to a halt. Yet, if you listened to the president
today, he insists the soft economy is because of "economic headwinds"
from Europe, the Arab Spring and the Japanese earthquake. Oh, and
congress' inability to get a debt deal done has hurt things as well.
(Don't bother asking about any role the president and his policies might
have had in hurting the economy.) Suffice to say, the the President
expects congress to get its act together and bring some bills for him to
sign immediately."