RON PAUL, MEDIA POISON: It seems like the increasingly-mainstream libertarian isn't getting the media attention one would assume he deserves, especially given his placing in last weekend's Iowa straw poll – just 200 votes fewer than winner Michele Bachmann. Politico highlights the media's reluctance to place him front and centre, with some reservations: "Let me say right here that unlike many of Paul’s supporters, I don’t believe there is a left-wing media conspiracy working against him. Ralph Nader, who is about as far as you can get from Paul politically, has the same problem whenever he runs for president." Agreed. My suspicion is that Paul remains the subject of media neglect because he's no longer the big-new-thing. Fresher faces seem to make more headline-grabbing news. The people have seen Ron Paul too often before, and now – when he's finally being taken seriously by his own constituents – the man who was considered 'unelectable' isn't receiving his due share of the press. Perhaps his 'unelectability' will be perpetuated only by the lack of limelight. Such a shame.
THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR: Jon Stewart puts it how it is.