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An apology

Sorry about the paucity of updates as of late. I suppose that any apology should have a reason affixed – that would be, in this case, that I've been spending quite a lot of my time thinking about a new online publication. Look, I know that this has been done far too much already, but I think that the market for (I'd hate to say the word 'boutique', but) boutique online publishers is yet to be fully exploited.

Populated by sites like The Awl and McSweeney's Internet Tendency, the niche of high-quality, curated online content is still coming of age, particularly in an online world so commonly dominated by the search-engine-optimised Huffington Post and other similarly dreadful playgrounds of frivolity. Believe me, I generally love this sort of thing: often there's nothing I adore more than the occasional photo of a cat that looks like Vladimir Lenin, or something equally trivial. However, there's something about the Post's presentation of celebrity-obsessed tendencies that makes it contemptible – and, frankly, a little creepy.

Of course this blog (that is, the one you're currently reading) would move under the new website's roof, and be hosted at a subdomain. I'd love to have people like me – people with a point of view and a computer through which to express it – to also become part of the website, contribute columns, write their own blog (after all, isn't the blog the new newspaper column?), or provide original content in some other form. It's abstract at the moment; merely an idea at the front of my mind. But I'm beginning to take the idea seriously.