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Cruel America

Jonathan Schell, in The Nation, warns that America is showing increasingly evident signs of a descent into cruelty – he cites the recent reactions by debate audiences, support for torture, and other events as examples. On the reaction to the death of bin Laden:
There have been many signs recently that the United States has been traveling down a steepening path of cruelty. It’s hard to say why such a thing is occurring, but it seems to have to do with a steadily growing faith in force as the solution to almost any problem, whether at home or abroad. Enthusiasm for killing is an unmistakable symptom of cruelty. It also appeared after the killing of Osama bin Laden, which touched off raucous celebrations around the country. It is one thing to believe in the unfortunate necessity of killing someone, another to revel in it. This is especially disturbing when it is not only government officials but ordinary people who engage in the effusions.