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The field is finally set

Well, we think:
It's gonna be Rick Perry or Mitt Romney, unless something wildly implausible happens. Hey, for Republicans, it certainly could have been a whole lot worse -- I doubt if either of them will embarrass the party as badly as John McCain did, and they both would probably be much better presidents than George W. Bush. My line for a while has been that the GOP is increasingly unlikely to nominate someone crazy, but is increasingly certain to nominate someone who has had to say crazy things to get the nod, and that's pretty much how it's turning out.
It's true, actually: yesterday's pleasing news about Sarah Palin seemed to cement it. In evaluating the choice American voters may now have to make, however, between horse-riding cowboys and theocratic Iowans, it's almost nice to know that we won't have to throw her into the mix; likewise, it's pleasing that the incessant speculation will now cease once and for all (that said, however, her announcement won't stop the 2016 chatter). Most of all, we'll be able to enjoy the news without the haunting specter of President Palin. For that much, I'm happy.