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Obama as a war president

He can't run on his economic record. Jill Lawrence considers his chances of winning:
In a world ever more complicated, dangerous and economically fragile, he can make a strong argument that he deserves re-election based his record as commander in chief. That may not be enough to offset the pain of the recession and voters' desire for change, but Republicans are bolstering his case in at least two ways: One, some are making unforced errors on foreign policy and two, as they court conservative primary voters, the GOP candidates may be misreading the type of foreign policy most Americans want.
(Image: "President Barack Obama meets with General Raymond T. Odierno, Commanding General, Multi-National Force-Iraq, during the President's visit with U.S. troops at Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq on April 7." Official White House Photo / Pete Souza, via the Sacramento Bee)