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Scientology is rather creepy

To the point where they're investigating South Park. They've even gone so far as to hire private investigators with the aim of 'digging up dirt' on creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker, an internal document reveals. The document, which has been combed carefully by the Village Voice, was leaked by former executive of the church Marty Rathbun. Tony Ortega reports:
I asked Rathbun what kind of things OSA's operatives would be looking for in the trash of Parker and Stone and their friends. "Phone records. Bank records. Personal letters that expose some kind of vulnerability. They'll read stuff into the kind of alcohol you're drinking and how much. Prescriptions. They'll figure out your diet. They can find out a lot about you through your trash," he told me this morning by phone from his home in South Texas.
That's exceedingly creepy. (Embedded at the top of the post is the controversial clip. You ought to watch it, it's quite amusing.)