Abe Greenwald on the
Occupy Wall Street protests:
The self-demonizing millionaires and state-worshipping police haters barely scratch the surface of the ideological dyslexia at work. Occupy Wall Street’s “list of demands” calls first for nativist “trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market,” and then for one-worldist “open borders migration,” so that “anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.” The document, like the group that composed it, is a hodgepodge of paranoia, entitlement, self-pity, self-righteousness, class warfare, and economic illiteracy. If this spotty protest moment becomes broad-based and loud the thorough airing of modern-day leftism will prove to be a conservative’s election-year dream come true.
Greenwald should add that the 'list of demands' is not widely recognised as official, and is merely posted on a
forum within the protest's website. I happen to agree with his general sentiment, but he ought to have noted this in his post. My thoughts