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Why TV shouldn't be afraid of expletives

Gavin Polone makes the case, and argues that many of the words (which he doesn't refrain from using himself) in our 'offensive' parlance pale in comparison to much of the other content on television:
Whom are we protecting by not allowing f--- on broadcast and basic cable TV? I love the word f---. Words with hard consonants are so much superior to other words. And what does f--- mean, anyway? Sometimes it is a synonym for darn; sometimes it is used in a phrase like “f--- you” (and I don’t really even know what that means, I just know it's aggressive and useful when driving in Los Angeles); and sometimes it's used as a verb to mean copulating. But even in that last context, it is far less evocative of a visual image than what I had heard on 2 Broke Girls or the nation’s favorite comedy, Two and a Half Men