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Forgive me

Because New Zealand secondary school students, such as myself, will be tasked with demonstrating an entire year's learning in a cluster of three hour sessions over the next couple of weeks, I shan't be keeping my regular blogging schedule. I must apologise for not organising some sort of guestblogger to ease the pain – sadly, such planning has never been a strong point. Nor has numeracy, and my ability (or, rather, demonstrable lack thereof) will undoubtedly be exhibited in the triad/trinity (personally, I like 'trinity') of evil that is my first three exams: accounting, physics, and mathematics. Good Lord, help me.

As you can understand, this will ensure that maintaining the blogging rhythm to which I aspire will be difficult. Thank you for your patience, especially given that my content-outflow hasn't been wonderful as of late. At any rate, I'll see you at the weekend, when I have a bit of time in which to prepare for my last exam. I'll start posting again just after midday this Friday (that's around Thursday night for those of you on EST). See you then.

May the forced silence begin!