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How should Herman Cain react?

Bill Bennett argues that he needs to give more attention to the accusations:
Herman Cain wants to be taken seriously as a public advocate for anything, never mind running for the chief executive and commander in chief of the most powerful and important and blessed country in the world, he needs to give a full press conference dedicated exclusively to this issue and these allegations. I have watched long enough and held my tongue long enough to give him the benefit of the doubt, but can no longer say this is a witch hunt, “a lynching” to use his word, or any other euphemism. There are allegations out there that matter and they have stacked up. 
Agreed. A press conference, at the very least. Thus far, it seems, the response hasn't been nearly adequate. If Cain wishes to continue any further in the race, he will need to dispel doubt regarding his innocence almost entirely, for to do so completely would be considered impossible. There's little doubt that this will remain a nuisance (if not something much greater) for the Cain campaign right throughout the process. One suspects it's a good thing, then, that he probably doesn't want to be president after all.