The plot thickens: "here we go again," indeed. The blogosphere is teeming with speculation about a possible end to his campaign after Cain's campaign manager spoke about a possible 'reassessment' – of course, they're denying that it was meant in that sense, instead suggesting that it was used only in strategic terms. From his lawyer's statement:
This appears to be an accusation of private, alleged consensual conduct between adults - a subject matter which is not a proper subject of inquiry by the media or the public. No individual, whether a private citizen, a candidate for public office or a public official, should be questioned about his or her private sexual life. The public's right to know and the media's right to report has boundaries and most certainly those boundaries end outside of one's bedroom door.Nick Gillespie commends the swift response, but heralds the end:
While I think the statement by Cain's lawyer is an eminently reasonable one, it has no chance of carrying the day, not least because the Cain train had already been derailed by the Herminator's own demonstrated lack of capacity for the job of president (the sexual harassment stories didn't help that of course).