Michelle Malkin, in one of her smarter moments, cringes:
Cain makes Rick Perry look like a Mensa president.Daniel Drezner:
There's a mercy rule in Little League, and I'm applying it here -- unless and until Herman Cain surges back in the polls again, or manages to muster something approaching cogency in his foreign policy statements, there's no point in blogging about him anymore. I can only pick on an ignoramus so many times before it feels sadistic.Jonathan Chait has the best response of all:
He simply knew nothing about the subject. And this isn't some obscure corner of foreign policy; this is a widely covered war in which the United States just participated! The highlight may be when Cain, visibly struggling to pull out the file in his brain where some handler explained to him what Libya is, says, "Got all this stuff twirling around in my head." Don't listen to the voices, Herman!