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OWS after the eviction

Astra Taylor reamins optimistic about the movement's future:
Anticipating just this kind of raid, organizers have been working on how to broaden the movement, to expand it beyond a single protest method or particular piece of cement. For example, occupations could evolve to become more mobile, tactical, and purposely temporary. In other words, a semi-permanent encampment is not the only way to occupy. And tweaking our methods may actually help make the movement more inclusive, as not everyone who is sympathetic to OWS can or wants to commit to living full-time in a tent.
As many have already pointed out, the eviction was a less-than-ideal political move on Bloomberg's part, assuming his goal is to end the occupation. Taylor exhibits the kind of enthusiasm brought on by resistance: in making the occupiers leave, they've broadened the notion that protesters and police are not in a supervisory-type relationship, but instead really are at war with one another.

Expect it to go on longer, even if we're not too interested in hearing about it.