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Being Stalin's daughter

A little while ago, it was reported on this blog that Stalin's daughter had died at 85 years of age. Included was the quote in which Lana Peters said she will "always be a political prisoner" of her father’s name. Ed Pilkington reflects on her desperately sad story:
Born on 28 February 1926, her childhood reveals a quality in Stalin rarely discussed in the history books, testament perhaps to the truism that even political monsters have their softer sides. She was spoiled as the "little princess of the Kremlin", a Soviet version of Shirley Temple. In a rare interview last year with her local paper, the Wisconsin State Journal, Peters was asked whether Stalin had loved her. "Oh yes," she said. "I looked like his mother. I had this red hair, which I still have. It's not coloured. It's my own hair. I have freckles all over, like her."