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Creative people cheat, smart people do drugs

According to studies. On the latter part of the post title:
James White and G. David Batty analyzed data from a long-term life-history study of thousands of people born in the United Kingdom in April, 1970. As the subjects took IQ tests in childhood, the researchers could look for relationships between IQ at age 5 and age 10 and any subsequent history of drug use. They found that higher IQ in childhood was associated with a higher chance of drug use in adulthood (interestingly, the link was stronger for women than for men). Maybe, the researchers speculate, it's because smart kids are tormented by their mediocre peers and need to self-medicate. But maybe the connection is due to the fact that smart people are more eager for stimulation and new experiences. 
On the former, here. Why do I get the distinct impression that there are far too many of these studies?