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Is Herman Cain serious?

Michael Tomasky reviews the candidate's new book, This is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House, which is titled so presumptuously as to be considered laughable. On the accusation that Cain is simply running to build his conservative profile, Tomasky takes the opposite view:
Cain is so serene, so certain of his superiority to most of those around him, so assured that he is carrying out God’s plan for him and for America (a conviction that solidified after he survived stage-four colon and liver cancer in 2006), that he thinks that in fact, it’s everyone else’s candidacy that is a joke or a lark. He writes like a man who is confident that he will wake up on January 20, 2013, ready to take the oath of office. To Cain, this has all been foreordained, at least from the time of his cancer, and more likely since he was appointed the first-ever student band director from the junior class. He doesn’t have a ground operation in New Hampshire because true CEOs of Self don’t need things like ground operations. They exert their will and they win.
(Image via Politico)