"We allowed him to lead our party and some of us remember, 'Oh yeah, the Contract With America, that was a good thing. We took over the House, that was great news,'" Mitt Romney told an audience in Florida recently. "What happened four years later? Well, he was fined for ethics violations, he ultimately had to resign in disgrace. He can’t rewrite history. We have to go back and look at history and say he may be a great guy with a lot of great ideas, but he is not the leader we need in a critical time."
It seems almost refreshing to me that Mitt Romney seems to understand at least some of the time with whom it is that he's competing. According to The Caucus, he opened the event in question with the, I think, quite memorable line, "Now I’m speaking to you today as if I’m already the candidate for president of the Republican Party. But I’m not." As I've said numerous times before, Romney would do well to remember that.