4:01 / 10:01 — Okay, and that's it. Reactions from around the web coming later.
3:49 / 9:49 — A pleasing response from Paul on the question on religious beliefs. "Ours is a nation that is based upon Judeo-Christian ethics...our law is based on Judeo-Christian ethics." That's debatable. Then he goes on to make some idiotic remark about how the country's founding documents refer specifically to a creator. He might do better to note that the document in question, the Declaration of Independence, is careful not to mention a specific deity at all.
Newt Gingrich goes on to talk about the academic news media and the secular movements, and then some banal argument about 'religious oppression'. Santorum shows his lack of knowledge, like Romney, by failing to realize that the document doesn't specify a deity at all, much less Jesus. "I believe in faith and reason," says Santorum. He misunderstands this entirely: faith and reason don't go together half as well as most people think. More often than not, one is forced to choose.
3:44 / 9:44 — All participants seem intent on making these debates about Obama, not each other. Do they realize that they're not the nominee yet? To focus on Obama too soon is to miss the point of these debates entirely. Although perhaps flippant criticism of the president is exactly what GOP voters want to hear. At any rate, it's not actually about Obama yet, it's about who can beat Obama. They would do well to remember that.
3:40 / 9:40 — Romney on Israel is truly moronic from beginning to end. Personally, I happen to think that zionism would be a poor idea even if there weren't any Palestinians. "Our friend Israel." It's slightly too chummy, isn't it?
3:38 / 9:38 — Mitt Romney actually made a good point on Cuba, and I'm inclined to agree, but he made it in a typically inane fashion. Newt Gingrich seems weak in this debate.
3:34 / 9:34 — Apparently I've missed out on something:
Holy shit. Romney actually reminded people that his only wife had both multiple sclerosis and cancer and he stuck with her. Wow. When he wants to stab someone in the front, he knows how. Another slam dunk for Romney. But Santorum's touching answer about his children was also powerful. And will win many panhandle evangelical votes with this.Damn. Oh, and Ron Paul is very, very good at this sort of thing. It's a pity he doesn't look presidential enough. Still, that said, Newt Gingrich is doing well of all people.
3:30 / 9:30 — Sorry, I'm a little late to this, I know. I'm not big on liveblogging this one, but I might add a few things here over time. I'm not entirely sure what I've just dropped into, but I'm pretty sure there's some serious Reagan-fanboy one-upmanship going on here.
(Image via Politico)