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Shooting your kid's laptop

And then posting a video of it online (which then 'went viral'). It might sound a little extreme as punishment, but it's almost sinfully entertaining:

The internet hive doesn't quite agree on this one. While viewers have mostly been amused by the father's reaction — and supportive, for that matter — it becomes obvious throughout the video that the real punishment for the daughter, and indeed the father, will be the emotionally taxing experience of internet notability. Something tells me that being grounded and without a laptop until "whatever year that happens to be" will be the lesser of her punishments.

Mary Champagne takes an entirely different view to the one expressed by most commenters online:
Fathers who controlled their families at the expense of having right relationship with their children – who were feared leaders left isolated from the mutual affection, love and ease of interaction that we know is possible. One does not have to demand respect through fear, maintain leadership by crushing opposition, or convince oneself that iron fisted authority is an expression of love. There are many examples of fathers who garner respect and obedience from their children through authoritative rather than coercive parenting. These are not laissez faire, “hippy”, disengaged parents who abdicate responsibility for limit setting and leadership. But they achieve the balance of raising healthy and capable children while still having their love and respect as they reach adulthood.
Another nods, adding, "If a husband shot a .45 into a wife’s computer, I have no doubt it would be considered an act of domestic violence. But there seems to be a lot of support for the father out there."