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Will killing evil people help Obama?

Although Obama and his supporters see the death of Obama as being a great achievement for the administration, and I'm inclined to agree that it is, in reality the so-called 'bin Laden bounce' may not have been long-lasting enough to help him at the polls:
Simply put, no matter the patriotic fervor, there are other issues that matter much more to voters. Even on the issue of terrorism, Obama's ratings have settled back to pre-bin Laden levels. They spiked to a remarkably high 69 percent immediately after the raid, but slipped to 60 percent the next month. Currently, 56 percent approve of Obama on terrorism, according to a January Washington Post-ABC poll, exactly where they were in February of last year. As we've noted before, his relatively strong reviews on terrorism haven't buoyed ratings on foreign policy in general, nor those on his handling of Iran's nuclear ambitions.
(Image via Foreign Policy)