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Growing up with Nora Ephron

And growing old:
When she wrote her phenomenal best-seller, I Feel Bad About My Neck (what a gift for titles she had), Ephron made aging one of her great topics. In her hilarious essay, "On Maintenance," she writes about how after a certain point it is a full-time job to make yourself look as if you haven’t reached a certain point. She observed that eight hours a week devoted to maintenance is what kept her from looking like a bag lady: “Eight hours a week and counting. By the time I reach my seventies, I’m sure it will take at least twice as long. The only consolation I have in any of this is that when I’m very old and virtually unemployable, I will at least have something to do. Assuming, of course, that I haven’t spent all my money doing it.” Nora Ephron just died at 71. Oh, Nora, how I wish you would have been able to tell us what it's like to get very old.
More remembrances of the late filmmaker and writer here.