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What in the world is the Higgs Boson?

Hipsters don't really know either, but they're excited about it anyway:

I can't quite honestly claim to be up-to-date with the latest developments in particle physics, either, but I think I can boast lesser cluelessness than these people. Or rather, at least I don't think it's an art installation. Unfortunately, according to Robert Wright, our understanding is probably limited:
I personally continue to have no idea what the Higgs boson is. And I think the physicists who 'understand' what it is can do so only because they don't have the layperson's compulsion to think about the world in ways that are ultimately metaphorical. Or, at least, these physicists have dropped the idea that to truly understand something is to have a crystal-clear metaphor in your mind, a metaphor that doesn't break down at any point and doesn't contain internal contradictions. For them, apprehending a purely mathematical description of something is tantamount to comprehending it.
Of course if you're science-y (sorry, scientifically inclined), then you might find this illuminating.

(Video via Daily Intel)