Hosting the Olympics has
left many Brits rollings their eyes. Norman Geras engages in
some counter-eye rolling:
The truth is that if you don't like it, you can shut it out, and it's no more than weak will or a failure of personal discipline to complain about stuff others are pressing upon you, when you can simply switch off, not read, do something else. If I may cite my own case as an Olympics now-and-againer: I've enjoyed quite a few events - the ones that interest me and some odds and ends casually watched - and ignored everything I didn't want to see or didn't have time for; I've read almost nothing from the daily press coverage. Just like that. Anyone who pleads they're overwhelmed by the hype is someone wanting to be annoyed.
And the NYT is
surprised at the enthusiasm. Though someone should really tell them that the whole 'stiff upper lip' thing doesn't really exist.