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Quote of the Day

"Why does the media go after this idea he's so gutsy and he's so bold? What's so gutsy about this plan? And why is he the intellectual of the Republican Party? He has, from what I can see, two ideas: one, let's stop having rich people pay taxes at all, and poor people should [have to] look for food in the woods. This is the intellectual? He's a step up from Sarah Palin? Actually, you know, he's more articulate than Sarah Palin. Tell me one area where he and Sarah Palin would disagree. I cannot find one area. So somehow he's the smartest guy in the Party and she's the stupidest woman on earth, but they agree on everything," — Bill Maher, on Paul Ryan.

I've never been a huge Bill Maher fan, but this is just too good to pass up. It's true that while Ryan may be more articulate and, yes, smarter than a disgraceful political opportunist like Sarah Palin, he's still no intellectual. Just as people (and by that I mean the MSM) have bought the idea without hesitation that Newt Gingrich is some kind of GOP philosophy king, when in fact he couldn't achieve tenure at a not-very-prestigious university, they've adopted the same kind of image for Paul Ryan. Someone needs to say, Well actually, this guy isn't as smart as we think he is.

Takes a comedian to point these things out. (Video of Maher's interview after the jump.)