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How will Perry fare in debates?

PERRY, A POOR DEBATER: Rick Perry seems do be doing well, but can a bad debate change that?

A BACHMANN BOOK DEAL, CTD: Alex Pareene is thoroughly unimpressed, and argues that this marks Bachmann's transformation into a boring establishment candidate. "If the Michele Bachmann of 2006 were releasing a memoir, we'd have something to look forward to. Specifically, we'd have uncensored, unapologetic Dominionist fringe Christian right politics to look forward to, along with some obvious, glaring factual inaccuracies and probably some nice purple prose. If this is a John Fund book, though, it will have all the dishonesty with none of the charm. He's not the world's most thrilling author, and he was hired not to capture Bachmann's voice but to make it more professional." Read on.