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Rapid conclusions, continued; Jennifer Rubin's apology

RAPID CONCLUSIONS, CTD: Jennifer Rubin apologises for her premature, and incorrect, prediction that the perpetrator of the especially wicked atrocities in Norway resulted from the work of a jihadist. "Early suspicion that the attacks might have been linked to a jihadist bombing plot in Oslo last year or the recent Norwegian prosecution of an Iraqi terrorist did not bear up...It nevertheless is a good reminder to all of us including myself that early reports are often wrong." Although the apology itself appears to be hidden and tangled in a web of ridiculously-wordy circumlocution; it almost seems ludicrous to label this as such, for it is less an apology than a pithy retraction, laced with vague remarks about the event to which it relates. Perhaps a correction has been made, where an unambiguous 'sorry' would have been more appropriate.

James Wolcott, for one, was certainly unimpressed. "Her mild, pious self-reprimand is the prelude for Max Boot-ish hawk-wing flexing," he writes, concluding: "Jennifer Rubin is a neoconservative propagandist masquerading as a political journalist whose byline might as well be a direct feed from AIPAC or the FDD." Well put.