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Why Google cares about real names

WHY GOOGLE CARES ABOUT REAL NAMES: Dave Winer has an idea. "There’s a very simple business reason why Google cares if they have your real name. It means it’s possible to cross-relate your account with your buying behavior with their partners, who might be banks, retailers, supermarkets, hospitals, airlines. To connect with your use of cell phones that might be running their mobile operating system. To provide identity in a commerce-ready way. And to give them information about what you do on the Internet, without obfuscation of pseudonyms. Simply put, a real name is worth more than a fake one." He's probably right, but this isn't an unusual stance for social media companies. Furthermore, no website wants its user base turning into a breeding-ground for the proliferation of fake Lady Gaga accounts or users with Justin Bieber usernames and profile photos. I get what they're trying to do.