Lauren Ellis asks if the Occupy Wall Street protests are working, and points out some key issues:
Occupy Wall Street's lack of focus is embodied by this Adbusters post titled, "Hey President Obama, get ready for our one demand!" Here's the opening sentence: "On Saturday thousands of us will occupy Wall Street. We will wave our signs, unfurl our banners, beat our drums, chant our slogans…and then we'll get down to business and hold several people's assemblies to decide what our 'one demand' will be." First make noise, then decide what the noise is all about?It just seems so self-indulgent – and, frankly, pathetic. You really want to help your country? You should know that aiming to get a job is more helpful than causing disruption.
In the clip [above], a protester tells Waging Nonviolence that "the demands will come...and they will come organically out of these people." But so far, it's been a whole lot of posturing, conch passing "mic checks", and white noise. Check out this catalog of "one demands" from the "Occupied Territory of Wall Street," a Christmas list that includes ending capital punishment, wealth inequality, police intimidation, corporate censorship, joblessness, American imperialism, and war. There's something there for everyone, but no one clear message that can carry a movement forward.